your support matters

make a donation


together we can make an impact

Sounds of Change is a non-profit organisation. With your contribution we train local changemakers and teams of partner organisations (schools, ngo’s, community centres) to harness the power of music in their work with young people and adults in refugee camps, (post) conflict areas and marginalised communities.

Today Sounds of Change operates in Lebanon, the Westbank (Palestine), Ukraine, Jordan, Northern Iraq, Northeast Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and in the Netherlands.

One-time donation

With a one-time donation you help us spread the power of music around the world and train local community builders.

Monthly donation

With a monthly donation you help us make an sustainable impact and continue our work in the future.

When you become a monthly donor, you automatically become a member of our Orchestra of Changemakers (you don't have to be a musician) and make a long-lasting difference.
As an Orchestra member you are the backbone of our activities and you will be invited to meet once a year in a very special location, to enjoy a unique, one-off concert with top musicians. 

The amount is periodically debited from your bank account or creditcard. You can cancel it at any time by contacting us or via this button:

Sounds of Change is a Dutch Public Benefit Organization with the so-called ANBI status. The Dutch government implements a fiscal policy that encourages the donation of funds to causes that advance the Common Good.
More info about ANBI.

Sounds of Change has endorsed the donor promise of Stichting Donateursbelangen. We take into account the wishes of donors. For example, entering gender and date of birth is not mandatory if you become a donor, you can donate completely anonymously and canceling a recurring donation is possible with a few simple steps.
For more information about our donor promise with Stichting Donateursbelangen, please check this link (Dutch)

your support matters
