the Netherlands


Projects in the Netherlands

Sounds of CHange Academy

We offer an intensive five-day training programme, with a sixth return day, for professionals and advanced students who want to learn to work with music and the Sounds of Change method and mindset. The training is open to people who already have experience in leading music sessions with groups, community music projects and/or work experience as a music therapist.


During our work in various conflict zones around the world, we have discovered that creative music processes can have a transformative effect. During the moments of improvising and composing together, music not only provides fun, but also provides connection. People slowly but surely dare to express themselves in the created safe space, as well as listening more deeply to each other. They discover their own ideas and introduce them into the group. The personal and group reflections on the process lead to a stronger connection with oneself and the group. Music thus acts as a means of bringing about social change and teaching children, young people and adults the 'life skills' that are so important for the future. For our future.

More information about the Sounds of Change Academy

A big week of wonderful meetings with amazing souls; the omnipotent power of music, the connection, tolerance and acceptation in the group thanks to a very sensitive Sounds of change’s team. I will now use all of the method with my children in Aleppo and I aim to do so in all Syria.
— Soumaya Hallak

SOunds of Change at work

While working in different places around the globe, we discovered that creative music processes can have a transformative effect. We translated these experiences into workshops for organisations and corporations. Therefore, Sounds of Change is a social enterprise. Not only do we contribute to the teambuilding and creativity of (corporate) teams, but we also manage to finance our projects in conflict areas.

We aim to achieve our goals by using creative music processes and improvisation. These processes appeal to the imagination of each individual and the group.

Composing (new) music and improvising in a safe space, in which people can share their experiences, power and hope, brings a deeper layer to the musical result. The composed music reflects the people individually as well as the unity of the group.

By using these processes, people encourage each other to collaborate, which creates a nest for creative and innovative ideas that can catalyse change. In doing so, you can explore who you are, who the ‘others’ are, and how you relate to the world around you.

Just a few hours ago I experienced Lucas’ training and my heart is still beating at the rhythm of the music he helped our team compose. Lucas is an inspiring and truly passionate professional who believes in what he does: changing the world and its people, through music. Highly recommended for all organizations and whoever is interested in discovering the power of music
— Laura Ceci Galanos * Tricycle Europe
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